Ceramic chain workshop 3.29

Ceramic chain workshop 3.29
Ceramic Chain Workshop
Saturday l March 29 l 4:00-6:00pm
A new never offered before workshop! Chains! I made a lot chain sculptures in undergrad using ceramic chains. I have gotten many inquires over the years how to create them.
So join us for a evening to create your own ceramic chain garland!
They make gorgeous shadows when hung on the wall. Great table top sculptures. You can even put them outside for your own rain chain for your garden.
All of your clay, tools and supplies will be provided, so all you need to do is show up with an open mind and ready to get a little clay on your hands.
Chains will be fired - ready in about 6 - 8 weeks.
Sliding scale: $80 Offered for those facing financial barriers - making art classes more accessible. Please only use these codes if you need them - no need to show any proof and everything is kept private. Use codes Join80
In the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, WA
1423 10th Ave Seattle, WA 98122